Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So here is how Rev3 went on Sunday.

Felt good upon waking, not real nervous. Glad I saw Pam before everything started. Made my way down to the water and was in the 3rd wave after the pros went off. Stayed towards the back as everyone knows I am a slow swimmer. No real freakout, got out feeling good. Time was 48:33 (4 minutes better that here last year and 1.5 minutes better than Timberman). Swim club paid off as I felt strong and not mentally fatigued heading onto the bike. It was great to see Nancy, my brother and his family as I took off on the bike course.

Here is where things got a bit interesting. Early on, my heart rate monitor died. No big deal, I felt like I could monitor my effort level appropriately. There is a long climb from mile 25-31 and was glad to see Pam a couple times. At mile 32 there is a big S shaped descend. I was in my aero position and glanced at my computer (38mph). I thought maybe a bit too fast, I thought I tapped the brakes, but they locked up. I fishtailed twiced and went down hard on my right side. By the time I finished sliding and tumbling I was in the grass in a ton of pain. I tried to get up, but it hurt a lot. I took a mental inventory and felt like there were no broken bones. I tried to ride again, but when I grabbed the handlebars it hurt a ton (no skin on the right palm). Mental note, wear gloves. When I realized I couldn't grip the handlebars I tried to put my right arm aero and realized this hurt a lot more (point of impact). At that point I realized the race was over for me and I heard the ambulance coming.

They arrived and strongly suggested I go to the hospital. I agreed, but they said they couldn't take my bike, I then refused to go and asked to borrow their cell phone. I called Nancy and she said she'd come get me and my bike. I walked down (about 0.5 miles and waited with a State Trooper until Nancy arrived. He asked me "What was the lesson and what did I learn?" I answered, respect the downhills and that God is looking after me. Nancy, my brother and his family arrived and we went to the hospital.

The hospital staff was great all the way around. There was even a guy working the Emergency room who is a fellow triathlete. We were able to chat for a bit when he had time. The nurse, who was awesome, scrubbed the road rash and the guy in charge cleared my right forearm. My brother bought me some new clothes as mine were destroyed.

We made it back to transition, returned my chip, picked up stuff and chatted with the race director who was very nice. He offered me a finisher shirt which I politely declined (he said it would be hard to wear with pride).

Had a follow up visit with the surgeon for my arm yesterday, good news. I just have to keep doing what I am doing and it will heal.

I am so lucky that Nurse Nancy has been around for the past 3 days. I don't know what I would have done without her. I know she must love me a ton because of some of the stuff she's done. I hope she knows how much I love her too.


  1. Ugh! I am so sorry this happened to you Dan... thank you for posting and letting me know that you are "okay". I remember that particular downhill - it was epic. Pretty sure that's the one I hit 41 MPH on. I've never gone that fast... ever... can't believe you tried to get back on your bike!

    I am super relieved to read this post from you, but it just hurts my heart to know that your race ended this way.

    So glad I got to see you before and during the race. Hoping you'll heal up fast and get back in the saddle quickly, but very, very carefully. We all have to respect that ride because as fun as it is, it is soooo dangerous...

    Our spouses are indeed troopers for waiting at the finish line for us when we are doing these insane things... god bless them :)

  2. Dan - at least you had a good swim! I don't know how bad crashing like that hurts but I can imagine. I think you did the right thing and I hope you heal up quickly! I guess Lake Placid is just going to have to be your EPIC race of the season now! Hang in there! you will heal up and things will get better! Im sure it is tough being in pain and out of training for a bit but your going to come back better than ever! I am happy nancy is there to take care of you too!

  3. Dan, I'm glad you are OK. Just getting back to the blog world. Maybe will be posting my training to Ironman Quebec. We should get together and finally meet in person. Take care.
